Azimuth Crafts

+47 333 78 901

Crafting Efficiencies


GIS Mapping Services

Visual representation is the most appealing way to present any data. One among them is a map. It displays the area where we live when we move and interact with it. Previously, the maps were created manually, which demands eye detail on minor things. But now, with the advent of GIS ( Geographic Information System), data-rich maps can be created within a few minutes.

Get Data Rich GIS Mapping Services

In simple terms, GIS mapping is the process of entering data layers into the GIS software to create maps. It’s effective in displaying geographical data. It highlights the unseen features and shows the ongoing changes over time as per the given attributes.

Looking for GIS Mapping services? Then you are at the right place. We are here to provide you with excellent-quality maps. Our GIS engineers are capable of dealing with geographically grouped dynamic data that aid you in learning about the location, property or asset.

Azimuth Crafts focuses on providing supreme-quality GIS services to various business owners, government agencies, environmentalists, geologists, environmentalists and other groups working for a better future.

Types of GIS Mapping Services We Offer:

We offer various GIS mapping services to our clients globally. The following are the diverse types of mapping services we tailored to meet your industrial demands:
Topographical Mapping
We create supreme-quality topographical maps. These maps are used for geographic planning and architecture. Contour lines are used in the map, showing the area’s elevation. These maps are helpful in various areas, such as energy exploration, resource conservation, public works design, environmental management, and commercial and residential development.
Indoor Mapping
It’s a revolutionary concept that makes the indoor venue easy to navigate. It displays the places, places and assets inside the large and complicated building. With the rise in popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) enabled smart buildings, we work hard to create and employ various data layers superimposed on digital maps.
Cadastral Mapping
We gained experience developing cadastral mapping that depicts the details of a property in a specific area. It aids in maintaining the public land records. Various national or local government bodies, architecture, engineering firms, real estate developers and many others require these mapping to make better decisions.
Cadastral Mapping
We gained experience developing cadastral mapping that depicts the details of a property in a specific area. It aids in maintaining the public land records. Various national or local government bodies, architecture, engineering firms, real estate developers and many others require these mapping to make better decisions.
Parcel Mapping
The demand for parcel mapping services is skyrocketing. It is a technique that creates the land parcel with the help of GIS for accurate land management. Industries dealing with land administration and registration, varied rural and urban governing agencies, municipality planning and urban development require excellent smooth finish parcel mapping services.
Geological Mapping
Geological mapping plays a vital role in the fieldwork of geologists. These maps provide information about the bedrock of the surveying areas. Geological mapping integrates geochemical, geophysical data and satellite analysis. Azimuth Crafts has expertise in delivering excellent GIS services to the mining industry firms involved in mineral management and excavation.
Base Map
It shows the basic map at the predefined ratio. It forms the basis for specialised mapping data. Azimuth Crafts offers premium base mapping services that enable clients to understand property, land, infrastructure, utility networks, and more. Our systematic approach ensures accuracy and supreme quality.
Geo database
Geo database is a standard format that enables editing and data management for GIS mapping. Our technician handles numerous GIS file formats to use the geo database’s features. It stores, queries and manipulates the GIS data conversion and spatial data.
Map Digitization
For successful GIS projects, digitisation is essential. It captures the coordinates from the map, images or other sources as points, lines or polygons and converts them into digital format in GIS. We are the hub spot for offering outstanding services on map digitisation to our clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

GIS mapping provides a visual representation of geographical data it allows better planning, decision-making and analysis. GIS aids in understanding the distribution of various phenomena geographically, such as land use, infrastructure, land use and environmental factors.
For mapping, GIS is a very useful tool. It promotes refined decision-making through visualising and analysing the spatial data, identifying the patterns and latest trends, evaluating varied scenarios and a lot more. All this information aids in knowing about the implications of supporting effective planning, resource allocation and decision-making.
Industries dealing with urban planning, environmental management, transportation, agriculture, public health, natural resource management, emergency response and a lot more require GIS mapping. It aids in making informed decisions based on data interpretation and spatial analysis.

It offers a framework for data interpretation by overlaying varied datasets and analysing their spatial relationship. GIS mapping enables correlates, recognising different patterns and anomalies that may not be validated in the tabular data separately. It aids in gaining insights, understanding complex spatial phenomena and making predictions.

We offer varied GIS Mapping services, such as topographical mapping, indoor mapping, cadastral, parcel mapping, geodatabase, map digitisation and a lot more.